Monster hunter world, rathalos and hunters image

Monster Hunter!

Fight giant monsters with a choice of 14 different weapons!

Fight in different stunning areas! Investigate strange phenomenon's!

Create new weapons and armour to conquer them all!


Monsters vary in sizes from very small to monsters the size of a mountain!

After slaying a monster you have the chance to carve, gaining materials that you can use to create new powerful gear

Image of Large Monsters

Small Monsters

Image of small monsters

Monster Icons

Image of monster icons


You have a choice of 14 different weapon types which all have unique fighting styles.

From the materials you gather from the monsters and out on the field you can forge these awesome and powerful weapons to use out on the field!

Image of all the weapons


There are multiple different areas in the game that you will find yourself, they are all stunning and huge!

Each area is split into multiple sections to explore and track down those monsters.

Ancient forest

Image of the Ancient forest area

Wildspire waste

Image of the Wildspire waste area

Coral highlands

Image of the Coral highlands area

Rotten vale

Image of the Rotten vale area

Elders recess

Image of the Elders recess area

Hoarfrost reach

Image of the Hoarfrost reach area